Rob Feulner (b. 1987) is a video artist hailing from Montréal, Québec. Armed with a stack of VCRs, circuit-bent equipment, and a disregard for electrical shocks, Rob Feulner dives wrist-deep into open machinery to manipulate tape heads and moving parts, creating a landscape of video tracking errors and glitches used to confront modern political malaise. His work has appeared in the Indianapolis Museum of Art, has been broadcasted by The Cartoon Network, and performed alongside MacArthur Fellowship prize winner Anne Carson during a performance of her play Antigone. Established in 2014, Feulner's video art label Bleu Nuit Video curates underrepresented like-minded artists through DVD and VHS home releases.
Rob Feulner


October 4th, 2023

My film Cable Box will be playing at the Maison de la culture Janine-Sutto on Thursday October 5th @ 7:30PM. There will be two other experimental shorts I'm looking forward to, "Ele of the Dark" by Yace Sula, and "The Future of Colour" by Emily Sirota. Round table discussion to follow, watch me flounder.

Slightly more info.

September 2nd, 2023

I'll be giving another Analog Video Glitch workshop alongside Guillaume Vallée and Ganesh Baron Aloir this coming January at Eastern Bloc. On day one Guillaume and I will be teaching the basics of video glitch forms, from video feedback to VHS manipulation. We'll have an assortment of circuit bent machinery for the class to use and experiment, recording direct to tape. Day two Ganesh will be leading the class on how to build their very own "dirty mixer." No circuit bending or soldering experience required!

Sign up via Eastern Bloc.

April 19th, 2023

THE DIABETIC, a feature-length film by Mitchell Stafiej, is now available for free streaming on Tubi. I created visual effects seen during the opening segment, and collaborated with Mitchell for the original score under the project name FUCKERS. It's a wild film, a must for fans of The Comedy, Good Time, and lo-fi mayhem.

View THE DIABETIC on Tubi.